Safe Sport Vision: Delta Aquatics and USA Swimming are committed to the safety and well-being of all of our members, with the welfare of the athletes being our top priority.  And we are committed to fostering a fun, healthy and safe environment for all of our members. The following rules, policies, reporting structure, education and tools are intended to serve our members as we work together to maintain this environment.  We all must recognize that the safety of swimmers lies with all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at the club, LSC, or national level.  To support this vision, Delta Aquatics follows the practices and policies of USA Swimming’s Safe Sport Initiative, as well the US Center for Safe Sport. 

USA Swimming Safe Sport program provides resources to its members to assist them in meeting required standards and also with opportunities to go above and beyond the requirements. USA Swimming launched its Safe Sport Club Recognition program as a means for clubs to demonstrate a commitment to creating a healthy and positive environment free from abuse for all its members through the development and implementation of club governance measures, Safe Sport policies and reporting mechanisms, Safe Sport best practices and training to athletes and parents.  

Thank you for your commitment for protecting those in your care.  Questions? Contact Delta's Safe Sport Coordinator Temo Flores ([email protected])

Here you will find some resources, training links and information on how Delta is keeping our teammates Safe. Please review the resources below for important information.

SafeSport Certification
In order to become and maintain being a SafeSport certified team, we are asking that Delta parents and athletes over 12 take a few minutes to watch the SafeSport videos: SafeSport for Parents and SafeSport for Minor Athletes. Simply log on to the USA Swimming website and complete the course. The free training only takes about 10 to 12 minutes to complete.

Safe Sport course for Parents Safe Sport course for Minor Athletes
As part of the Safe Sport initiative. USA swimming is offering this course to increase awareness.
Click Here to Begin 
This online training course covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse.
You have learned how to be safe in the water - don't dive in the shallow end, no running on deck, and clear the pool when you see lightning - but Safe Sport is about the ways to stay safe outside of the pool too. Swimmers, please talk to you parents before using this link!
Click here to begin 
This online training course covers sensitive material, including sexual and physical abuse.
Presented by Praesidium Inc. c 2013 -- Praesidium Inc. is the national leader in  abuse risk management.


Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies
The U.S. Center for SafeSport is a separate, independent organization that oversees all sexual misconduct in Olympic sports. They created the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) to set a baseline for acceptable safety standards governing interactions between adults and minor athletes. Delta Aquatics adopted these Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention PoliciesAs a condition of membership on Delta Aquatics, all athletes and parents must review the MAAPP to see how the club, your athlete, and your family will be affected by these policies.

To help navigate these new policies, USA Swimming has provided a number of resources to help clubs, coaches, athletes, and parents understand the new requirements put in place by MAAPP. Please take some time to review USA Swimming's updated FAQ's and view their mini-webinars.

Adult Athlete APT Membership Requirement
Starting September 1, 2021, all adult athlete members of USA Swimming (athletes ages 18 and over) will be required to complete the Athlete Protection Training (APT) as a condition of membership. Any adult athlete who has not completed APT will not be a USA Swimming athlete member in good standing. Therefore, we recommend athletes complete the training when they are 17.5 years old.

DELTA/USA Swimming Safe Sport Policies
Swimmer Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct
Coach Code of Conduct
Link to USA Swimming's Code of Conduct

Anti-Bullying Contract
Anti-Bullying Action Plan
Locker Room Monitoring Policy 
(NEW MAAPP Requirements)
Electronic Communication Best Practices (NEW MAAPP Requirements)
Medical Release Waiver and Liability Waiver
Payment Agreement
MAAPP & Media Policy & Release

Grievance Procedure 

Team Travel (without parents) (NEW MAAPP Requirements)
Massages and Rubdowns (NEW MAAPP Requirements)
Applicable Adults (NEW MAAPP Requirements)
One on One Interactions (NEW MAAPP Requirements)

Parent Consent Forms
Unrelated Adult Athlete to share a hotel room or sleeping arrangement with a minor athlete.
Unrelated Applicable Adult providing local transportation to a minor athlete.
Licensed massage therapist or other certified professional or health care provider to treat a minor athlete.
Unrelated Applicable Adult to travel to competition with a minor athlete.

Safe Sport Documents and Information
MAAPP Safe Sport Handbook
USA swimming members should use the policies, guidelines, best practices, strategies, and tools included in this handbook to implement Safe Sport practices at the local level. Together, we can create a safe environment for all members to enjoy the sport of swimming.

Safe Sport Best Practice Guidelines 
Preventing False Allegations 
Questions for Swim Parents
Safety Card for Marshals. We will provide these to meet marshals at our hosted meets.
Deck Change Poster and No Camera Poster. These will be posted at our hosted meets.
Instructions for Timers. Point 3 is particularly relevant for Safe Sport.

See something, Say something--here are the numbers and links to report to the US Center for Safe Sport, USA Swimming Safe Sport and our team.

US Center for Safe Sport

USA Swimming

Delta Aquatics

For all issues dealing with:  

  • • Sexual Misconduct

  • • Sexual Harassment

  • • Sexually Explicit/Inappropriate Communication through Social Media

For all issues dealing with:  

  • • Criminal Charges

  • • Use, Sale, Distribution of Illegal Drugs

  • • Physical Abuse or Emotional Abuse Sexually Explicit/Inappropriate Communication  

For all issues dealing with:  

  • • Peer to Peer Bullying

  • • Adult to Athlete Bullying

  • • Parent Issues

  • • Violations of team rules and team code of conducts

Report your concern to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport using the following: 

Call (833) 587-7233
Report Online

Text anonymous tips to

Please report your concern to USA Swimming using the following:

Report Online
Email USA Swimming
Call (719) 866-4578

Please report your concern to your team to the Safe Sport Coordinator using the following: 

Temo Flores at [email protected]


Additional support services in place for survivors include:

National Children’s Alliance: NCA represents the national network of Child Advocacy Centers (CAC). CAC’s host a multidisciplinary team of law enforcement, child protective services, victim advocates and mental health practitioners who investigate instances of child abuse and neglect. Visit for more information.

National Sexual Assault Hotline: The national hotline serves people affected by sexual violence. To search for local centers, visit or call the hotline phone number 800-656-HOPE.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides a national network of 160 local crisis centers and provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Click for help.