Delta Aquatics is proud to have trained swimmers who have gone on to attend colleges all across the United States. Our Delta alumni are a testament to the club's focus on getting our athletes not only into a college, but determined to compete at the highest level.
To qualify for Delta Collegiate Alumni status, a swimmer must meet the following criteria:
Have swum with Delta Aquatics during their high school senior year
Competed on a collegiate team (any level) for at least one season

If you are a Delta alumni and we have not tracked you down or if you are listed on this page with incorrect information, contact Coach JessicaWe did our best, but we know there are more of you awesome Delta swimmers out there.

Interested in swimming in College? Check out our College Recruiting page for more information.

Check out our Current Graduating Seniors!



Class of 2023
Name College High School
Aeden Farrar Carthage College Oswego
Luke Giles University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh Oswego East


Class of 2022
Name College High School
Madi Boor Valparaiso Univeristy Plainfield


Class of 2021
Name College High School
Kasey Fris University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Lincoln-Way West
Hannah Giles University of Wyoming Oswego
Mackenzie Lipnick Cleveland State Oswego East
Skylar Ruggles University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Oswego East
Karley Sonnenberg McKendree University Plainfield
Bella Valenti Augustana College Oswego East


Class of 2020
Name College High School
Grace Cooper University of Texas Oswego East
Jessica Davis University of Cincinnati Plainfield North
Mikayla Jasek Illinois State University Oswego East
Sloane Lightfoot University of South Dakota Oswego
Maxine Parkinson Southern Methodist University Neuqua Valley
Robert Petersen University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Oswego East


Class of 2019
Name College High School
Lauren Abrell Calvin University Oswego
Pedro Cavour Lewis University Oswego East
Brian Diner    
Riley Evans IUPUI Oswego East
Alex Flanders    
Emily Giles University of Wyoming Oswego
Matt Gorney University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Oswego
Cam Harris University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Oswego
Kellyn Hayes Biola University Plainfield North
Garrett Kirkland Chowan University Minooka
Aidan McCullough    
Colleen O'Connor Indiana State Yorkville


Class of 2018
Name College High School
Mari Kraus University of South Carolina Oswego East
Kate Meunier Colordao State University Plainfield North
Ryan Netzel University of Wyoming Plainfield North
Georgia White Ohio State University Oswego East


Class of 2017
Name College High School
Shaw Barney Cleveland State University Plainfield North
Brooke Jensen Illinois State University IMSA
Alyssa Shugarman Eastern Michigan University Oswego East


Class of 2016
Name College High School
Tyler Guist St. Louis University Oswego
Monica Jackson University of Rochester Oswego East
James Kaku Colorado Mesa University Oswego East
Brandon Tran Whittier College Plainfield North
Alexa Weiss Illinois Wesleyan University IMSA


Class of 2015
Name College High School
Tyler Adkins Tiffin University Plainfield Central
Jessica James University of Wisconsin - Whitewater Oswego East
Danielle McCormick University of Illinois Oswego
Alex Netzel Southern Illinois University Plainfield North


Class of 2014
Name College High School
McKenna Avery Southern Illinois University Plainfield East
Nelly Casas University of Illinois Oswego East
Caroline Kelly Northeastern University Plainfield North
Sydney Lloyd University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Oswego
Samantha Montano North Central College Oswego East
Steven Tan Harvard University IMSA
Emily Wulff St. Bonaventure University Oswego


Class of 2013
Name College High School
Tyler Coonradt University of Indianapolis Oswego East
Erin Newman Delta State University Oswego East


Class of 2012
Name College High School
Dylan Coonradt Carroll University Oswego East
Stephanie Komaniecki Monmouth College Oswego
April Niccolai Gardner Webb University Neuqua Valley


Class of 2011
Name College High School
Rebecca Hatcher Western Kentucky University Oswego


Class of 2010
Name College High School
George Minkel Southern Illinois Univeristy Oswego East
Vicki Munson University of Tampa Waubonsie Valley
Jacob Nurczyk North Central College Oswego


Class of 2009
Name College High School
Jack Poletto University of Minnesota Waubonsie Valley
Jim Zuponeck Duke University Waubonsie Valley


Class of 2008
Name College High School
Susan Minkel Southern Illinois University Oswego East
Stephanie Yattoni University of Northern Iowa Oswego


Class of 2007
Name College High School
Jennifer Buldak University of Indianapolis Oswego
Caitlin Costa Illinois State University Oswego


Class of 2006
Name College High School
Kendall Wormley Butler University Oswego


Class of 2005
Name College High School
Addie Ellspermann Xavier University Rosary